NIPF Committee

The committee are responsible for the day to day administration of powerlifting in Northern Ireland. The structure employs an approach similar to many successful businesses where there is an Executive Team have the final decision making and an Operational Team who are focused on managing and delivering in specific technical areas. There are formal roles which are voted in during each AGM, and where necessary additional team members can be added to support the function of the committee. 

If you need to contact the team please use the Contact Us page otherwise to contact an individual member of the team you can select below.
Lisa Bell
Operations Director
Anthony McLeggan
Chief Exectutive Officer (CEO)
Kyla Mulholland
Finance Director
Decland Walsh
Anti-Doping Manager
Hannah McKee
Communication Manager
Colin Galbraith
Competition Manager
Lisa Horner
Membership Manager
IT Manager
Daniel Allen
Performance Manager
Elena Brewer
Records Manager
Josh Bell
Safeguarding Officer
Denise Galbraith
Technical Manager
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